Midstates and the Choir of Ghosts have Death Cab’s Number

The first thing you notice when turning on this EP is the snowy guitar and relaxing drum flow. You can already picture yourself cruising down a sunlit highway going to who knows where. After the intense daydream phase, you notice something peculiar for an indie rock band, the melody and chords actually go to predictable places. Something noticeable with indie bands that actually have big plans.

Once the singers voice kicks in you can only think of the soothing vocal melodies made popular by the one and only Benjamin Gibbart of Death Cab fame. The band manages this without being a total and complete rip off or copy. Even lyrically it is very similar. Singing about concepts of dieing and the fear attached to it.

This band will get you up and dancing all the way through the album. The track "Don’t stop it" sounds like it’s coming from a Passion Pit jam session. This continues to show that this band knows exactly how to make hook laden, fun hits, while still maintaining enough indie "cred" to keep the hipsters and jaded youth happy.

The only thing that is bad about this album is that it is barely a real "EP". Every track is either a remix or some sort of extended jam track. If you really liked the intro track "Hate To see you smile" then you will have fun listening to the very remixes. But if your looking for more original tracks you’ll be very disappointed.

Despite this small complaint, the EP is very fun and catchy. With their danceable hooks and snowy melodies this band is definitely one to watch in the coming years. They will just have to release more originals to keep people interested.

Midstates and The Choir of Ghosts are playing a free show tonight at The Empty Bottle with Camera and House of Normandie. The show starts at 9:30pm. – Nick Coamey