For some reason, it’s not weird to start the first weekend of September off with geezer werewolves, guns, and zombies. Well, at least, not where Mercury Radio Theater is concerned. The Philly trio, whose music can be best described as a ’50s sci-fi flick turned ravenous, will take over Johnny Brenda’s tonight for their Kilroy record release show. The third episode in their "Monster Trilogy," Kilroy tells the story of a "geriatric werewolf, an old-folks home and a handgun" in blasts of geeked-out rampageous rockabilly, jazz-punk and prog-infused instrumentals. And if you’ve followed Mercury Radio Theater’s career over the past few years, you know that their album release shindig will be anything but mediocre–in addition to playing Kilroy, the band plans on scooping up former MRT members to play their "lost episode," "Manhattan Zombie Massacre," while Miss Rose provides some sultry burlesque between all the madness. mewithoutYou‘s Greg Jehanian and his side project, Geology, will also add their sound to the foray. Johnny Brenda’s, 1201 Frankford Ave., 8pm, $10, 21+ – Annamarya Scaccia