Hot on the heels of her quirky, Youtube banned spring single “Ronald Reagan,” NYC electro-nymph Melody Joy unleashes another politically-fierce number with “Murica.” Don’t tell anybody, but she’s also The Deli’s summer issue mystery cover girl. Never easy to pin down, Joy goes hip-hop for the second release in a row. This time around, the beats are more extreme, bordering on industrial. Lyrically, things plunge the stars and stripes into sexually provocative territory. It’s obtuse and dark, but never didactic. American corruption is experienced without the least hint of moralizing. And therein lies Joy’s gift as an artist. She doesn’t want your brain, when she’s already got your body. Now make it move by seeing her live at the Hotel Chantelle on Thursday, 7/3/2014, 11pm. – Brian Chidester