Mätthew Griffin on music, writing, and being just some punk kid from Worcester.

Deli: How did you get started in music?

Mätthew: When I was pretty young, around 9 years old. Both my brother and father sang in a professional men & boys choir, which I joined soon thereafter. I recall there was a lot of singing practice after school and the Choir Master, professor Louis Curran, at WPI (Worcester Poly Technical Institute) was pretty grueling not only about practice, but also about conduct. The guy would throw a temper tantrum at the drop of a hat. But, it was an interesting "family activity" after my mother joined on to be the choir’s secretary. We sang all the classics like Haydn, Bach, Mozart, in English, German, French, Italian, but mostly we sang in Latin. It was fun going on tour; singing in Montreal, Canada, at St. Joseph’s Oratory; in Washington DC, at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; even singing a duet once of Sillent Night in German, with my brother on Christmas Eve, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in New York City. I think I learned that night how to shit my pants [laughs].

Click here to read the rest of Chrissy Prisco’s interview with Mätthew Griffin.

Photo credit: Molly McGrath