To paraphrase David Lynch, Always With You, the first music video by Main (aka David Maine of Frankie Cosmos) is not what it seems. Although the flashing Chinatown signs, dimly lit studio apartment, and attractive young people on bikes running in slo-mo set the perfect setting for a fashionable story, something seems off. In every space he inhabits, the artist exhibits a cold, nervous energy that matches the sound of his music. The four tracks on his solo electronic EP Dem are not sonically distant from the releases of other solo projects of Porches’ members Rivergazer (Kevin Farrant) and True Blue (Maya Laner), and considering that Maine is both Porches’ frontman Aaron Maine’s brother and Frankie Cosmos’ drummer, this fits. However, tracks like "O M G" and "DARK," with their deeper and darker electronic influences, showcase an artist with a personal sound and vision. – Allie Miller