Playing a shoegazer-influenced style they call "Nüdisco", Vltrarock and Echo Deco of the New York and Philadelphia based band Mahogany present a decade of recorded work as evidence. On "One Plus One Equals Three Or More" (one of our favorite songs) an angular bass line drives forward the momentum, as high-hat and snare-heavy percussions rattle along. Distant atmospherics soon work their way into the mix, as do handclaps and quickly strummed high-pitched guitars. The sum effect is one of a hyper funkiness. Vocals are delivered in a mostly male only or blended male-female tandem. "The View From The People Wall" continues the hyper-funk bass guitar with cymbal-emphasized percussion pattern, but features female vocals out front, while "Supervitesse" (embedded video) marshalls the formidable power of Cocteau Twins legend Robin Guthrie on the production chair for a predictably shimmering mix. – Mahogany will be performing at The Deli’s Dream Pop CMJ stage at The Delancey on Tuesday 10.18 with Exitmusic, Ohnomoon and Spanish Prisoners. – Dave Cromwell