Divers are headlining Boot & Saddle this evening before they release the debut album that they’ve been pushing on Pledge Music. And it will be a solid home performance for South Philly natives Lux Perpetua, who have been marching to the beat of a new drum since the release of Hehbehdehbehbehdeh over the summer. The album that was named for a sound he made while yawning is a bold & beautiful result of a half-decades worth of material that former Extraordinaires member Justin Long had created under the new project. And the addition of Matt Gibson (The Extrordinaires, ex-Man Man)) and Spencer Carrow has elevated the project into a full-fledged power trio that has impressed during live performances. Although the majority of its members call Brooklyn home now, Philadelphia is the second home to Cuddle Magic, where a couple of its members still reside. With what the vibrant indie orchestral folk sextet has been recording in the studio since September, it’s likely that we’ll be seeing more of them in 2015. Boot & Saddle, 1131 S. Broad St., 8pm, $10, 21+ – Bill McThrill