It’s in the cards for Lubec, Us Lights and Bed, Monday night at Valentines. Through a Three Card Spread of the Golden Tarot, the fate of Monday night’s show was dealt the Two of Wands (dominion), the Five of Coins reversed (worry), and the Nine of Coins (gain).

Now, I’m no Tarot reading professional, but one could assert that through the mystic energy of this particular spread, the show is bound to be a success. The Two of Wands suggests thoughtful planning went into the event. A reversed Five of Coins suggests perhaps while the bands acknoledge they may not make their fortune this night, they are working towards a greater good in the longer term. Lastly, the Nine of Coins suggests that the bands will feel the sence of fulfilment that comes with acomplishment as the night of sweet, dark gaze-pop comes to and end and the crowd floats off home with heads bobbing.
– Travis Leipzig