With their debut album Of Wandering officially being released tomorrow via Birdtapes (but you can stream it now over at The Fader), Littler will be performing a celebratory record release show this evening at Goldy’s. The quartet trudges through the perplexing uncertainty of transitioning into adulthood, delving into the daily dilemmas with an open-book approach to narrative lyricism. The band finds a middle ground between steady-paced melodies and agitated release of aggression. Tonight, they’ll be joined by surging power-pop duo and tourmates Slow Animal, while garage-pop quartet Marge will also be in celebratory mode, marking their latest release. NYC grunge duo Giant Peach rounds this bill into form. Goldy’s, 723 Chestnut St. – 3FL, $5-$7, 7pm , All Ages – Michael Colavita