Lexica unearth “lost” album, release trippy single “Faint Hue”

Lexica, an experimental group formed in the burgeoning arts scene in mid-Nineties Harlem, have released Lost & Left To Be Imagined, an album which up until now never saw the light of day. The 2002 recording, which featured the trippy proto-EDM stylings of Lorraine Lelis, Stephen Krieger, and Erik Laroi, was well-hyped before its release, but ended up in the dustbin of history. However, the band was finally able to unearth it, and with it, the single "Faint Hue", a shimmering song which features Lelis’s layered vocals, the relaxing and haunting beats of Kreiger, and the subtle but powerful guitar work of Laroi. Give this long-lost track a listen for yourself down below. – Will Sisskind