Lewis & Clarke, the “neo baroque post folk” band of Lou Rogai and collaborators, will be performing at PhilaMOCA tonight. Though the name is actually a nod to letters between C.S. Lewis and Arthur C. Clarke, the band is definitely on an introspective journey. Lewis & Clarke plays tunes that get lost in your thoughts amid the softness of their music. It is gentle sounding, but filled with raw emotions. Your Children is Beautiful shares those unsure emotions. It is a more upbeat softness with encouraging lyrics, like in “ The Silhouette of Bird” telling you to “let it run its course,” reassuring you that this, whatever it may be, will pass. Judson Claiborne from Rogai’s La Société Expéditionnaire label will be opening too. It’s a night of mellow folk that will envelop your mind. PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., 8:30pm, $7-10, All Ages – Maura Filoromo