One could choose to let their week wind down, or you can let the situation get weird in a delightful, slinky, strange manner. Moon Bounce, a.k.a. Corey Regensburg, with a sampling of new material, slides into W/N W/N – velvety soulful R&B that takes on a morphing, glitch-fueled, light-speed ear toward the future. Regenburg gravitationally gets you within arms reach, taking the familiar and flipping it sideways, pushing the boundaries. Nashville’s Meth Dad, otherwise known as Tyler Walker, dishes out positive vibes in joyous, electro-dance party doses. With a freshly released record Shhh!!!!, Austin via Toronto’s Shmu, a.k.a. Sam Chown, canvasses a plethora of genres to create an electro-psych-noise scenario. "Club Mega DJs" Grave Goods and Sam Greens round out an evening that promises never to stand still. W/N W/N, 931 Spring Garden St., 9pm, 21+ – Michael Colavita