Lifetime friends, Davey Cope and Damian Mason, who make up the local New Wave parody duet LeBon LeBon, planned on having a low-key release party for their debut album Devices. You know – they’d play some stuff off the record, and have some friends come to help them out, and maybe even sell one of their CDs. However, that quickly escalated into a more elaborate affair. Not only will there be choreographed dancing, campy costumes (complete with oversized sunglasses), and two opening bands… but Raj Haldar, a.k.a. Lushlife, South Philly’s most dope producer/DJ/emcee, will be spinning 80’s pop at the booth – not so low-key. Lushlife first blew away the blogosphere in 2009 with his mixtape, Cassette City, which maximized on long lost 90’s boom bap. 2013’s Plateau Vision had the same style of indie old school hip hop, just on a whole lot of psychedelics and to a background of challenging philosophy. Lushlife is sure to set the scene for some serious grooving, and hopefully some of his own mind-altering beats. –North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St., 9pm, $12, 21+ – Emily DiCicco