A quintessential expression of the recently deceased Manhattan label/studio Olive Juice Music, Kung Fu Crimewave is a band of brothers (and sister) featuring the Kelly family of Brooklyn — “Kung Fu” Luke, “Tae Kwon” Jo, and Neil Kelly. Rounding out the five piece is Deenah Vollmer on electric mandolin and Preston Spurlock on keys. Charming male and female vocals twinkle on Kung Fu Crimewave’s 2011 effort “Capitol Punishment,” a record filled with unpretentious melodies, crooked guitars lines and imaginative lyrics, in the best lo-fi pop tradition. The band, who recently released this DIY video of the song "Forgot about Rock’n’Roll, will be opening The Deli’s B.E.A.F. Indie Rock Stage at Spike Hill on Friday May 25 – more info here. – Corinne Bagish