Winter is upon us (although it doesn’t feel so), and all across New York City radiators are supposed to shudder to life. Their cold metal skeletons, dormant for so many months, hiss under windows cracked to combat their intrepid magnitude. Koncept, of Brown Bag All Star fame, has teamed up with fellow MC/Producer J57 to bring a similar heat to the season. For these hustlers who have been cranking out work for years now, it’s a deliberately self-conscious release. Like Koncept raps in the title track, “I been kickstarting my engine far too long now, seen too many planes in the sky fall down. I’m fuel for this cross country drive, with some water and supplies, see the fuel in his heart, in his eyes.” The radiator is fueled up and people are already feeling the heat. Check out their video for "Porcelain" and listen to other tracks on Koncept & J57‘s Soundcloud page. – BrokeMc