Kim Logan burned sage on stage last night at The Basement. "Midnight is my birthday," she said, "and I’m clearing the air." Logan alluded to a 22nd year rife with the tribulations of young adulthood, then proceeded to ring in her 23rd with a visicious set of Southern-flavored blues. While most any gal with pipes and hotpants can put on a decent show, few can tie vintage rock with modern views through sharp lyrics like: "I think I love you but I don’t know if I should/ there’s already one of me in the neighborhood." Consider this new single’s gritty leveling-of-the-playing-field vibe a reverse birthday present from Logan, and be sure to give her 23 punches at the East Side Hootenany on May 31st, where she performs with bree, Them Vibes, and Lauren Farrah. -Terra James-Jura