Kids’ Table is, as the name would suggest, young and earnest. Made up of three queer siblings, whose mission is “to end your local gender,” the band has no qualms about who they are as musicians. They have a melancholic and bittersweet lyrical style most folk-punk bands would kill to have. “Tambourine Song” is most emblematic of this. Musically the song is lighthearted and uplifting. It sounds like what would happen if Neutral Milk Hotel was more pop oriented. The music is well-suited to the emotional lyrics, which are despondent without becoming bitter. The lead vocals are often out of key, an intentional stylistic choice that strengthens the beauty of the band’s music. It creates an off-kilter tone that highlights the emo aspects of the band’s sound. Kids’ Table is here to show the world both the beauty of being a queer kid, and the difficulties they face. They do a remarkable job.