Jeff "Jeffertitti" Ramuno may be best known for playing bass with Father John Misty, but he’s doing just fine on his own. Of all the emerging psych rock bands in LA, and there are plenty, the crown belongs to Jeffertitti’s Nile. They are in great company, but with their upcoming sophomore release, ‘The Electric Hour,’ they have (for now) solidified themselves as leaders of the pack. The energy of the cosmos, like the intangible ether inside a crystal ball traveling the edges of space-time, is packed into every nanosecond of every song. The deeper down the rabbit hole you go with these cosmic warriors, the further from reality you get, and the closer to a mystic truth steeped inside a universe with infinite dimensions. Jeffertitti’s Nile are making music like its a movement. Stream lead single, "No One," and get lost in their sonic web. ‘The Electric Hour’ is due out April 29 on Beyond Beyond Is Beyond. – Jacqueline Caruso