Jay Som Releases New Single – Turn the Other Cheek

San Francisco based artist, Jay Som has released a new single entitled, Turn the Other Cheek for "Our First 100 Days" campaign. You can catch Jay Som performing in San Francisco at the Phono Del Sol Festival on June 17th.


On Everybody Works, 22 year-old Melina Duterte solidifies her rep as a self-made force of sonic splendor and emotional might. This album – which Duterte wrote, recorded, played and produced entirely by herself, save a few backing vocals – was made in three furious, caffeinated weeks in her bedroom studio throughout October. Duterte even ditched most her demos, writing half the LP on the spot. If last year’s aptly named Turn Into compilation showcased a fuzz-loving artist in flux, chronicling her mission to master bedroom recording, then Everybody Works is the LP equivalent of a mission accomplished.

With this record, Jay Som takes us places we never could have imagined, wedding lo-fi rock to hi-fi home orchestration, and weaving evocative autobiographical poetry into energetic punk, electrified folk, and dreamy alt-funk. Inspired by the complexity of Tame Impala, the simplicity of Yo La Tengo, the messiness of Pixies, and the pop sounds of Carly Rae Jepsen’s E•MO•TION, Jay Som delivers 10 gorgeous tracks. Everybody Works features lushly composed pieces like "Lipstick Stains," shoegazey shredders like "1 Billion Dogs," sublimely spacious synth-pop beauties like "Remain," and luxe, proggy funk with "One More Time, Please."