After moving to Astoria from the university scene in Boise, Idaho, quintet Holiday Friends are making music that is remarkably clear and well produced for an emerging indie band. Their first release, Chicks, has a lot going on. There are songs within songs; builds and creative pauses give way to synths and electric melodies that streak bright sound beams across found playground noise. Tracks experiment with wind instrument menageries, gospel organ, and creative singing pronunciation of "LolJk". "Plastic Planets" opens like Mr. Sandman is on his way, and steps into a star speckled playland with banjo and lovely vocal harmonies. Budding, bold guitar announces itself among twinkling chimes and heavy, village beats. "We’s All Bats" has vintage bops and "Abies Amabalis" immerses the brain into a dreamy soundscape. The sound is an invigorating, fun trip. They continue the exploration with a new album, which is underway at Portland’s Type Foundry Recording Studio. Holiday Friends are opening for London’s The Veils at Doug Fir Lounge on 4-22. – Brandy Crowe