You should already be familiar with the name Hezekiah Jones, a.k.a. Raph Cutrufello. The gifted songwriter has been kicking it around Philly for quite some time now leading his merry, ever-evolving family of Joneses. While it’s hard to keep track of which members will be joining him on stage, you never feel like anyone is missing as long as the one constant, Cutrufello, is there to share his captivating lyrics and heart-warming vocals. Tonight the Jones family will be taking over the downstairs of World Café Live. They’ll also be bringing along indie pop rockers Cheers Elephant and fellow Jones collaborator Griz so expect a whole lotta love to be filling the room. World Café Live, 3025 Walnut St., 8pm, 12 (+fees) adv/$15 (+fees) door, All Ages (Photo by Lisa Schaffer) – H.M. Kauffman