One-half mall punk brats, one half Glee Club dropouts, Hey Guy’s music is the utter manifestation of their ‘business on the top, party on the bottom’ sense of fashion evident from the band’s Facebook music player. And that’s the attitude you need to have here when checking out Russian-born singer Boris Pelekh’s feelings of 20-something alienation and paranoia sandwiched inside the half pipe-ready riffing and beats that once served bands like Incubus and Deftones pretty well. It appears Queens, NY has yet to let us down when it comes to rocking out this corner of rock’s pantheon, and Hey Guy is here to scratch that itch. Join the band as they send off both Pelekh and drummer Daniel Jakubovic – who’ll be on the road for while with American Idiot: The Musical – tomorrow (9.21) at Arlene’s Grocery, 9pm. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)