Heems (the stage name Himanshu Kumar Suri of Das Rascist) is about to expose himself in a whole different manner. Whereas Das Racist leaned heavily on the esoteric and a celebrated apathy in the face of a shady industry, Heems uses his solo effort as a party-infused soap box. The beats will sound familiar, but the content tackles everything from racism to substance-abuse to the ups and downs of modern living in a surprisingly coherent way. In “Sometimes,” Heems addresses police brutality flowing in his Slick Rick treacle, “brown boy, brown boy, wassup with that sound, boy? Why boom bye bye? They just gettin down, boy!” Recorded in both Brooklyn and Mumbai, "Eat, Pray, Thug" (out in March) portends to be a breakout album from one of New York’s weirdest voices. Check out the first single "Sometimes" from the forthcoming LP.