Happy Lives – the rather unpredictable indie pop duo who recently relocated from Brooklyn to LA – are back. and this time they’re trying an "alt soul" hat on for size. Having done their own spin on Beck-era "caucasian rap" a year ago," on "Sick Love," the two return with their usual appraoch of stripping down songs to their core and then adding in elements from other genres (synth-pop on this track). The result is a rather convincing song about break-ups that, despite its minimalist arrangements and simple back-up vocals, feels filled to the brim with emotion. With their outright refusal to stick to a consistent genre, it’s honestly hard to tell with these dudes whether they’re taking their craft seriously or simply just trying to have a good time, however, with the consistency of their recent releases it’s easy to keep any skepticism at bay — for now. — Henry Solotaroff-Webber