Celebrate freedom for one more day as PhilaMOCA hosts an all-day barbecue in honor of the birthday and engagement of Mitch Esparza (The Love Club). It wouldn’t be a PhilaMOCA party without an eclectic lineup of music, and it will be a good time to catch Mumblr before they play the upcoming Redbull Sound Select Series with Spank Rock and Prowler. And they’ll likely be playing songs from their upcoming album Full of Snakes, including “Sober,” which they recently shared a video for (below). Some members of The Love Club will be doing double duty when they play in the relatively new project Humanshapes that also features members of Great Red Spots and Gypsy Death and You. But The Love Club will also be playing fast-paced, bluesy indie-punk songs from their latest release Pearls Dissolve in Vinegar. Filling out the celebration will be Dead Tenors, Jesus Christ Goddamnit, Impressionist, and Faceporn. PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., 3:30PM, $5 – $10, All Ages – Bill McThrill