GravelRoad’s latest album Psychadelta sounds way less psych and way more Clutch meets the blues meets jam band meets old time rock ‘n’ roll. Going for an “acid blues” feel, GravelRoad digs deep in the grit, kicking the album off with “Devil Eyes”. The twangy guitar and steady drum serve well with the muddy vocals that are half spoken and half wailed in a classic blues way. “Furry” is a purely instrumental jam that melts into “In The Woods” which has an almost country sound. “Caves” sounds like a loner on the road; the instruments clashing together creating a wild bird sound, the vocals echoing, the guitars sad. The boogie groove in “Let Me Hold You” gives a real glimpse into the Mississippi blues form that GravelRoad prides themselves on. When I first started listening to Psychadelta, I wasn’t in love. The more I listened, however, the more I could picture myself in a dirty saloon type of bar, drinking whiskey with the guys (or alone), and the more I liked it.

GravelRoad’s “Psychadelta” Delivers Old School Jams
– Kristen Ferreira