At first glance, At first glance, Gothic Tropic has all the earmarks of California natives Abe Vigoda and Fool’s Gold with their jolty rhythm section and pop-infused compositions. The Echo Park trio, whose ironically penned name brings to mind a mascara-drenched Siouxsie look-alike riding the 720 towards Santa Monica on a scorching summer, is actually less frenetic than their peers, with piercing guitar lines and across the fretboard taps fluttering at a steadier pace. Cecilia Della Peruti’s reverbed vocals (of Rumspringa fame) give an added numinous quality to the band, whose recent EP, Awesome Problems, breezes by with casual allure and a touch of quirky experimental grooves. Gothic Tropic only has one planned gig, which will place at the Silverlake Lounge on November 3rd.