A tasty brew is cooking at Johnny Brenda’s this evening. Gondola’s tri-cogged synthesis of heavy haze will be in good order. The band embraces their stampeding sound, pushing the heart-jolting, foot-stomping, divide-and-conquer vibe. Emerging from a cavernous shade, the hazy possessed vocals gradually seep in. They’re given an additional prowess by the obliterating style that the instruments prescribe to. Backend thump and face-melting guitar ooze that encompassing trance-like state of medieval peril. Tonight, they help bridge the divide to Walter Schreifels’s (Gorilla Biscuits) musical vehicle, Dead Heavens, which also includes former members of White Zombie, Youth of Today, and Cults. The resulting byproduct is familiarly catchy with instrumental ferocity to etch a personal road. Hardcore fixture Don Devore (Collapsing Scenery, Sick Feeling) gets the fire started. Johnny Brenda’s, 1201 N. Frankford Ave, 8pm, $12, 21+ – Michael Colavita