gobbinjr releases ‘Vom Night’ EP + tours the east coast

gobbinjr is the stage name of songwriter/producer Emma Witmer, a Wisconsian who ended up becoming a Brookyinite via NYU – and a big THANK YOU NYU, we can now officially blame you for Trump’s election! Emma plays gentle music, and although she likes to work solo, she enjoys wearing the hats of each (non existing) band member – each one suit her! Her debut album ‘Vom Might‘ is a soft, drum machine propelled mellow pop record, full of intimate and honest lyrics conveyed through delicate melodies and an appropriately simple but never banal production. Fans of Frankie Cosmos will find in gobbinjr’s music the same youthful attitude and melancholic sincerity, which seems to communicate – on a subliminal level – the awareness that youth ends too soon and it’s too beautiful to be lived without dwelling in philospy, poetry and art. 

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best mellow songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!