Sometimes that ‘play’ button is nothing short than a time machine, and as far as Brooklyn four piece Savants are concerned, one that invariably takes you back to the late ’60s. With a heavier focus on organ riffs and keys as opposed to the guitar-centric psych rock that’s surfaced recently, it’s not difficult to draw comparisons to classic psych bands like The Doors. No song is clearer proof of this than “Death Rattle & Roll” (streaming below), which opens with pithy ‘legato’ Hammond chords a la’ Ray Manzarek and is followed closely by echoing electric guitars. The vocals, which sound washed out and muted, interlace between all the instruments with an appropriate lo-fi, bluesy feel. You can catch Savants live at Alphaville on May 12, or at Baby’s All Right on May 26th.