Free Cake For Every Creature, the solo venture which evolved into the band of upstate New York transplant Katie Bennett, performs tonight at Great Indoors. Bennett’s songwriting style offers a glimpse into her inner workings. These episodic insights expose a vulnerability, which can be appreciated for its sincere/honest qualities; after all opening up to the outside world can be a frightening proposition. These songs also inhabit a natural sweetness as Bennett’s soft vocals correspond to an air of innocence juxtaposed to intimate lyrics, which spread out over the emotional spectrum. They will be joined by the witty, garage-punk quartet Littler. The trio of Trace Mountains, featuring David Benton (LVL UP), Jim Hill and Liz Pelly, has an easy-going singer/songwriter-punk hybrid as the lyrics offer a glimpse into the darkness. Great Indoors (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 7pm, $5-$7, All Ages – Michael Colavita