Known more for works of raw emotion and ambient exploration, Gabrielle Smith — performing under the moniker Gabby’s World, and formerly known as Eskimeaux and Ó — treads into poppy fields with her new single "Rear View" from her upcoming album Beast on Beast. "Rear View" continues the transition of Smith’s sound from dark, DIY, drone-based songs into a flower punk bedroom pop act; however, she loses none of the feeling and emotion in her new song. Her previous EP Year of the Rabbit provided space for Smith to feel out her pop possibilities, and, by contrast, she delivers plenty of hooks on "Rear View", tying her visual poetry to head-bopping glo-fi in a way that will make you want to dance in a sad way. Listen to "Rear View" below. The Beast on Beast album release party is scheduled for November 15 at Elsewhere’s Zone One. – Will Sisskind