FYI on DIYs in PHL: Sofar Philly

Songs From a Room (Sofar) is a worldwide movement to bring music lovers and musicians together at secret living room concerts for all to enjoy an intimate and special evening. Sofar has now spread to about 17 cities – from London (England) to New Delhi (India) to Paris (France) to NYC and beyond. We recently had a chance to catch up with Sofar Philly’s coordinator Carolyn Lederach. The local branch is back after a summer hiatus, and will be holding another showcase this Saturday in South Philly. If you want to know where, then you’ll have to contact them at If you want to know who will be performing, we do know, but you’ll just have to show up and discover for yourself or view the livestream HERE (now, that just isn’t as fun, but to each his/her own). However, take a moment to read our interview with Lederach HERE to learn more about Sofar Philly.