Two dudes, a four track, and a singular microphone are the driving force behind vexation, the debut offering by lofi, “tropical country” duo Otra Vez — and that’s really all they needed to make a groovy, kickass record. Endowed by the charm of its palpable crunchiness and compressed vox and available for four dollars and twenty cents on Bandcamp (nice), the album skirts being defined as silly or serious; members DJ O’Loane and Sean O’Hara seamlessly switch between ditties detailing past relationships (“death by 1000 cuts”) and stoney meditations on the virtues of selling out (“fat sandwich”), their detuned guitars and easygoing percussive lines in toe. Recommended for fans of Makeout Videotape, Soko, and John Dwyer deep cuts, give it a listen below, ideally on a rooftop with a couple of buddies, and catch Otra Vez at Our Wicked Lady on April 2nd.. —Connor Beckett McInerney