New Jersey melllow-indie-pop group The Ugly Club has recently announced they will be doing a tour down to SXSW this March. The band has confirmed a show at The National Underground in Nashville, TN on March 10th and Super Happy Fun Land in Houston, TX on March 13th, with more dates and SXSW plans TBA. The band has also released 2 live, in-studio music videos of new songs off their upcoming album (here’s one). The performances were shot live at Soundwaves Studios in Union, NJ with videographer Seiichi Daimo of Music1nfocus Productions. The audio is cut from one live take. A bonus video and other releases can be found on the band’s youtube channel. – (as posted in The Deli’s Open Blog – post your band’s entries, videos, and Mp3s here). The Deli’s NYC Open Blog is powered by The Music Building and APS Mastering.