In this new age of bedroom pop and DIY everything, Georgia’s band Triathalon, who recently resettled in NYC, offers a sound all its own, blending elements as varied as soul, pop, jazz, and electro. Attempting to label their music proves challenging – and that’s part of the plan, since they state that they "work towards a sound that can’t easily be defined.” Thriathalon’s first two EP sounded like rather unfocused takes on anything within the indie realm, from dream pop to slacker rock. Third LP Online, released earlier in 2018, sounds like music made by a different band altogether: the production is more mature, the sound more focused, and a newfound passion for soul seems to have shuffled the band’s sonic cards. “Hard to Move” is reminiscent of a lo-fi, synthed version of Michael Jackson’s “Blame it on the Boogie,” while “3” is backed with a thumping bass verse that cleverly transitions to a jazz-inspired keyboard interlude. This is a band with lots of potential, check them out live on June 18th at Brooklyn Steel. – Lily Crandall