Work Drugs are holding a free in-store performance at AKA Music this evening to celebrate their first “official” release Delta. The album features remastered/remixed singles from previous self-released CD-Rs as well as a few new singles. The group connects a combination of wispy male/female vocals, with a percussive backbone that provides a framework for a continuously on the move synth pop-rock combination meant for one-on-one action in the dark (or with multiple partners and the lights on if that’s what you are into). It’s quite easy to get sucked in by this street-lit seductively smooth operation. You can also get a second dose of the addictive outfit tomorrow at Ortlieb’s with Shark Tape and Ellis Islands, a project from Work Drugs bassist Nero Catalano. AKA Music, 27 N. 2nd St., 7pm, Free, All Ages – Michael Colavita