Break out your tambourines, hand-drums, castanets, maracas and good old-fashioned hand-clapping for this Saturday’s R5 free concert series at Morgan’s Pier featuring Philly’s own Grandchildren and Free Energy. Grandchildren’s singular brand of head-contusion-pop, distinct in its complex layering of rhythms and unexpected, powerful percussive notes promises to seamlessly complement those drifts of (hopefully) cool air rising from the Delaware River, just as Free Energy’s light-hearted melodies and youthful lyrics will have you skipping down the sidewalks of summer nostalgia. Both bands create music that is quite danceable. Free Energy is heavy on the guitar power chords, and lead singer Paul Spranger’s voice is straight-forward and melodic, while the voices of Grandchildren pour in from all sides like last night’s rain. Get there early, and get ready to sweat out some of these red-hot summer blues! Morgan’s Pier, 221 N. Columbus Blvd., 6:30pm, Free, 21+ – Sarah Allard