Demento blues…ever heard of it? Well it’s time you got a lesson on how it’s done. Frankie & Jimmy are a demento blues duo from Hamilton. They released their album "Scream the Blues" in 2014 and it’s full of traditional blues tracks done in a very original way. Frankie rips the slide guitar while Jimmy wails on the mic and harmonica. It’s in your face and dirty as well as beautiful and unique. More recently these fellas have lined up a full band. They’ve also released some new tracks with music videos such as "My Harley". The best part about Frankie & Jimmy is their own brand of signature hot sauce. It’s called "Burn the Blues Away" and as Jimmy says "it won’t ruin your day but it’ll ruin your next ten minutes." I’ve made my special hot wing sauce with it before and it was unreal. Frankie & Jimmy along with Torque Hound open up for Flamingo Báy at their Tape Release Party Friday Night (February 5th) at the Baltimore House in Hamilton. Sweet venue, sweet tunes and spicy sauce! Go.