Next Tuesday, August 12th, Folding Legs will unleash their second EP, simply entitled “Glorious”. The collection will follow their debut “Drown in Light,” which was released last year and received a lot of attention from the ‘indie’ blogs, Deli included. Fronted by songstress Katharina Stenbeck and her arresting vocals, the band is a worldly bunch – they hail from NYC, Stockholm, and Vienna, and manage to incorporate influences from each region into their sophisticated, borderline decadent pop sound. Their newest release comes complete with 80’s dance beats, grungy bass lines, and some charming vocal shrieks from the front lady. Listen to the preview single ‘Grounding’ and be sure to watch out for the release of the remaining tracks next week. Catch the band live at Pianos on August 19. – Jillian Dooley