Fever is perhaps one of the brightest spots in the Bridgetown Goth and Rock Noir scene. Their website instructs listeners and fans to enjoy Fever’s music "with a black lace garter and shot of whisky," and nothing could suit this music better. The seductive fusion of dark themes and dreamy vocals end up sounding like the best kind of trouble. The Tonic Lounge will be trying to contain all this trouble March 29 when Fever will hit the stage once again, preceded by the multifarious Lydian Gray. Lydian Gray weaves the same rock noir threads into a texture entirely different from Fever, but with the same dark exploration of intelligent music. The end result is a deeply engaging and intriguingly thoughtful sound that has earned comparisons to Tom Waits and Muse. The Fur Coats will also be gracing the stage, bringing a pop sound that is soulful and crisp. This band knows how to enjoy themselves on stage and by the sounds of things, they had as much fun in the studio recording the self titled album that dropped this last January. Doors will open at 8:00pm and there is a $5 cover to see three of Portland’s bands that go together as well as good tunes, a black lace garter and a shot of whiskey. – Joy Pearson