Exploding World is an experiment in the avant garde. Listen to the local outfit’s four-track EP, Pasts, which was released in September HERE, and what you’ll hear is a mixture of all things strange: barking synth keyboard chords, off-kilter vocals that are surprisingly hypnotizing supported by drums/guitar that are creepily present but far from overpowering. Even the slow-moving and lamenting "Highway Grave" has a touch of post-world insanity. But that’s what you want to hear from an eclectic and crafty one-man-show turned four-piece with a moniker that suggests beautiful catastrophe. You can check out the recent Deli Featured Artist(s) Poll winner (read the interview HERE) tonight at Little Bar, where they’ll be performing with rad K Records artist, Christmas. Little Bar, 738 S. 8th St, 9PM, $6, 21+ – Annamarya Scaccia