It’s been interesting to watch Kate Ferencz evolve as she finds her own voice. When we first came across her child-like vocals, she was similar to many singer-songwriters that you’ll come across at open mics and coffee shops toting an acoustic guitar looking rather prim and proper while singing about things like boys and “Lions and Tigers and Bears.” Well, fast forward a few years, and you’ll find that the gal has been drinking from the wudder of Philly’s music freak pool. These days, you’ll find her wailing and flailing about while drawing onlookers at DIY spaces fronting her latest project Evil Sword. You can join the bizarreness tonight at Little Berlin when she opens for avant-folk veterans Hermit Thrushes. Yeah, things are about to get very weird in the Kensington multi-purpose art space. Litte Berlin, 2430 Coral St., 7pm, $5, All Ages – H.M. Kauffman