With the release of Light Full, Evelyn presented itself as a fully materialized band. The riffs were striking, the vocals were fiery and the lyrics were streamlined to be evocative on first listen. How does a group like this, with their sound seemingly fully formed at launch, continue to engage their audience? By releasing a tighter, laser-focused follow-up. The four tracks of Slowly expand on the band’s philosophy of “hearts-on-their-sleeves” indie rock by allowing for the impassioned performances to be more dynamic. The opening song “Honey” charges forward with the swagger of a band more in tune with themselves, while the eponymous and spacey “Slowly” offers a dreamier take on catharsis. The more in sync performances allow for Slowly to find breathing room for each emotional element, so when a solo kicks into full gear, it burns brighter and remains stirring long after the EP is over. Evelyn continue to blaze a path that is wholly their own, where every small emotion is explored and bursts open in a wide-eyed release. You can watch the video for the “Slowly” single below and see Evelyn perform at Knitting Factory on July 1. -Tucker Pennington