Editor’s Pick: Top 10 Albums/Songs of 2012

2012 has been a fantastic year for local music. With a couple hundred albums released in several genres, The KC/Lawrence music scene continues to make an impression both locally and regionally. 2012 brought national attention to Kansas City music in USA Today, who featured prominent local bands at MidCoast Takeover, the annual SXSW showcase spearheaded by Midwest Music FoundationThe Deli Magazine recognized this showcase and allowed us to launch a Kansas City branch of the publication, among the ranks of larger musical cities like NYC, Nashville, and Los Angeles. 

The following lists are top 10 albums and songs of the year as ranked by editor Michelle Bacon. 
1.         Thee Water MoccaSins – From the Rivers of Missouri and the Banks of Fear

2.         The Grisly Hand – Western Ave (EP)
3.         Hidden Pictures – Rainbow Records
4.         Antennas Up – The Awkward Phase
5.         Schwervon! – Courage
6.         Molly Picture Club – Molly Picture Club
7.         The Caves – Duplexiaville
8.         The Empty Spaces – Party Line (EP) 
9.         The Latenight Callers – Easy Virtues (EP)
10.       Ghosty – Ghosty
1.         “Ride” – Tiny Horse
2.         “Diablo Diablo” – Thee Water MoccaSins
3.         “The Mad Season” – The Latenight Callers
4.         “Coming On” – Antennas Up
5.         “Fanclub” – Molly Picture Club
6.         “Give It Away Or Lose It” – The Caves
7.         “Holidays Are Nice and Warm” – The Empty Spaces
8.         “Cyclone” – Schwervon!
9.         “Blue Light” – The Quivers
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped out the local music community this year, be it through creating music, watching shows, buying albums, engineering, running sound, booking shows, managing or promoting bands, running venues, etc. And special thank you to Midwest Music Foundation for making The Deli KC possible, as well as everyone who has contributed their time and talents to this e-publication. This would be impossible to do without all of you. Here’s to a prosperous and musical 2013!

–Michelle Bacon

Michelle is editor of The Deli Magazine – Kansas City and plays drums in Deco AutoDrew Black & Dirty Electric, and drums/bass in Dolls on Fire. Her favorite breakfast food is biscuits and gravy.

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