Harsh vibes (not the band) will be coming at you all night at Kung Fu Necktie this evening, and conjuring up the spirits of eardrums lost will be experimental noise duo Drums Like Machine Guns. It’s pretty impressive or pretty sad that besides a handful of YouTube clips you can only find the group’s tracks online at an ancient MySpace page. Well, we are pretty sure that Drums Like Machine Guns aren’t very concerned about building their fanbase. In fact, they might actually derive a bit of pleasure from scaring them away. And tonight, you’ll also find other local cohorts trying to test your aural pain threshold. Heavy Medical will be sending a barrage of sonic body blows to the gut, after Pale Shelter, a trio made up of members from Fight Amp, Bubonic Bear, and Braille. They’ll play host Brooklyn noise-pop outfit VAZ and Portland, Oregon via San Francisco sludge crew Prizehog. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 7:30pm, $7, 21+ – Alexis V.