What are you some kind of freakin’ monster?!? The type of monster who withholds much-needed funds from the YWCA and the Girl Scouts for crissakes just cuz they’re not waving boxes of Thin Mints under your nose at the moment or from an equally worthy organization like the Lower Eastside Girls Club which supports girls & gender expansive youth of color in New York City by leveraging their inner power to shape a better future?
Ok, good. We didn’t think you were that kind of monster I mean sure plenty other types of monster but at least you’re smart enough to realize that paying $15 to see ten outstanding local bands plus four freaky DJs plus all of the proceedings going to the aforementioned organizations plus supporting a show’s that’s gonna be all about the rallying cry “girls to the front” (it’s an all-ages show btw so one may take this literally) which is a sadly necessary stance to take these days regarding female agency and female-identified self-determination in the midst of an unfortunately ugly present of “your body, my choice”…
…plus there’s gonna be a bunch of cool s*** raffled off from local businesses too and other venues plus this whole shindig is goin’ down at NYC’s undisputed best live music venue to feature a giant portrait of Iggy Pop lounging au naturel but don’t worry it’s PG-13 at worst so your kids won’t suffer any major trauma plus long story short it’s literally gonna be a ball…

…which isn’t just down to the great entertainment on slate either but also the event’s organizers who obviously know what they’re up to including the legendary purveyor of song and dance (and karaoke) not to mention distinguished go-go artisté who’s been called “the brain and the heart-child” of the To The Front Fest, namely @annacopacabanna (pictured above) who’s made it her mission to bring generations of girls & grrrls together through the event plus friends, supporters, and allies too…
…with the team also including the leather-catsuit-clad front catwoman of Leathered namely vocalist/electric guitarist Amanda B. whose band embodies the very essence of leather itself musically & attitudinally what with their sleek ‘n’ seductive yet equally tough ‘n’ resilient as animal skin vibes as heard on alla Leathered’s patented stripped-down-yet-fierce tunage which at times extols the virtues of “hear[ing] the words of my sisters” and “sing[ing] the songs of my mother’s eternal embrace” cuz clearly it’s time for a reckoning plus it’s their time dammit and if you’re at TV Eye this Sunday late afternoon and evening (doors at 4pm!) it’ll be your time too…
…with DJs Amy Housewine, Lupe Loop, Shakey and Mela and lastly…
