Don’t Act As If you’re not ready for the holidays


Christmas in Los Angeles has an ambiance that is all its own. Whether it be the crazies in their elf hats ringing bells on the boardwalk in Venice, the drunken "Santas" on Hollywood blvd. trying to make some extra cash, or the twinkling lights at the grove reflecting on the man-made pond next to the 110 ft Christmas tree, it’s a time of year that holds a fond place in our hearts. Act As If made a music video for their version of "Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree", and I must say it definitely made me want to spike my pumpkin latte and decorate my house. The comforting sounds of the ukulele, sweet chimes of the xylophone, the weeping electric guitar, and the lightly crashing cymbals will have you snapping your fingers and swaying side to side with holiday cheer. 

Don’t miss their show on December 14th at The Viper Room!

Jenna Putnam