Daniel Pujol Seeks Touring Drummer


So it looks like Ex-Meemaw guitarist Daniel Pujol is in need of a new drummer, and it could be you! Want to see the nation and meet interesting people? Want to have a "real rock and roll experience"? Need to get out of town for a bit? Well this could be the break you’ve been looking for! Sounds cool to us, here’s what Daniel had to say:

"Greetings, My name is Daniel Pujol. Now you just got to let me know: Do you know any musicians who want to tour all the time but can’t in your area?

As long as they’re not crazy, violent, or drug addicts, you should send them my way to danielluccapujol@gmail.com , because I need a tour drummer really bad right now. In fact, I just put out an entire tape as a Want Ad for a drummer called Ringo, Where Art Thou? Tracks from it can be heard at myspace.com/danielluccapujol and I can send a tape if anyone expresses further interest.

Right now I’m pushing by at barely 2 weeks a month of tour, but I’d like 2 weeks to be a minimum and I can book and provide equipment as well as transportation, but it’d be really cool if I didn’t have too. They can be from here or somewhere else, or I’ll go somewhere else to practice haha. I want to tour more. Everything must go! With prices like this, math just makes things more complicated!"

Thanks for reading,

Daniel Pujol