Dangerous Ponies Calling It Quits

This is such sad news. Dangerous Ponies just announced that they’ll be calling it quits. We’ve had the honor to share such momentous occasions in Deli Philly history like anniversaries and ringing in this past New Year with these wonderful folks. We are obviously going to miss seeing their joyous performances on stage together. Below are a few words from the band.
dearest darlings,

we have some news to share.

its not happy news.

we will be playing our final show on May 26th in Philly.

These last four years together have been a beautiful and wild rollercoaster and we are all the better for having met all of you. Thank you for the couches, floors, and porches you shared with us, for eating endless breakfast burritos with us, for showing us the coolest parts of your towns and the secret swimming holes that only you know about, for thrift shopping with us, for getting on stage and playing with us, for telling your friends about us, but most importantly thank you for constantly supporting our music. It’s a dream to be able to travel the country with a group of your friends and play shows to keep the van moving. so seriously..thankyou.
It’s currently unclear as to what will happen next. You can find Evan playing with Holy Death and Kyle is always over Headroom Philadelphia recording bands. and Chrissy I’m sure will start a new project soon. So stay tuned. and hopefully you can make it on the 26th.
so much love forever.
You can catch Dangerous Ponies’ final performance on Sunday, May 26 at The Barbary with Lemuria and Omar. Much love for DP!